Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Most and Least Important Factors in the Outbreak of Ww1

Which was the most important and least important factor in the outbreak of the First World War? In my opinion, the most important cause of the First World War was the Alliance System. By 1914, the main powers in Europe had been divided into two groups. These were: The Triple Alliance – Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy, and The Triple Entente – Britain, France and Russia. Although the point of creating these alliances was to avoid war, they meant that any conflict that broke out would increase in scale immediately because the other countries had to support them. The main rivalries were Germany and France over the capture of Alsace-Lorraine, Russia and Austria over the Balkans, and Britain and Germany over their navies and economic power. The Alliance System created a lot of competition between the rival countries, and possibly even the allies themselves, because, naturally, they all wanted to be the most powerful and influential in their group. This just increased the tension between everyone and strengthened each side for the inevitable war. On the other hand, I think the least important cause of the war was the Arms Race. The growing divide in Europe (caused by the Alliance System) had led to an arms race between the main countries. The French and German armies had more than doubled their forces, and all nations were making plans for war. The German Count Alfred von Schlieffen had come up with the Schlieffen Plan, which was to fight France and defeat them within six weeks, and then to turn back and defeat Russia. Unfortunately for them, they relied too much on hoping Russia would take more than six weeks to mobilise, which didn’t happen. Also, as the Germans went through Belgium to get into France, Belgium had a treaty with Britain which meant Britain automatically got involved. Austria was intimidated by Russia and needed Germany to succeed in defeating France, so they could then help them in fighting Russia. Russia had potentially millions of soldiers. This made them very powerful because they could overwhelm the opposition with sheer numbers, although they would have needed Britain’s industrial help because they were badly-equipped. France had a large, well equipped army. They had a plan called Plan 17. This was to charge across the frontiers and deep into Germany, forcing them to surrender. Britain was closely but secretly in collaboration with the French. They set up the BEF (British Expeditionary Force), which was 150,000 highly trained soldiers that could go and support France at any time. Although the Arms Race seems to have developed the preparations for war from each country, I don’t think that it actually caused any more problems between the countries. At this point, war was seen as inevitable and all the nations could do was prepare for what was to come as best as they could.

IB Math Exploration

Although the aluminum can and the wood chip were ere close together, there was still a large amount of heat loss to the surroundings. This resulted in a lower temperature reading, which in turn reduced our AT value. Thus reducing our overall enthalpy of combustion and is one of the reasons why the theoretical value does not fall within our experimental range. A way we could possibly reduce this error is to alter the apparatus and let as little air escape as possible which would keep energy losses to a minimum while maintaining a stable environment for the wood chip to combustion.Ideally we could have the apparatus inside a glass chamber with a hole for the temperature probe and a hole to light the Another source of error we must take into a count was the improper use of the temperature probe. Instead of letting the probe sit freely in the aluminum can producing an accurate measurement; we let the probe sink to the bottom of the can where it would record a higher temperature due to th e hot spot in the water. This has an impact on our experimental value and would be a reason why our experimental value is higher than the theoretical one.This is not the case due to the act that heat loss reduces the amount of energy gained by a substantial amount compared to how much is gained from a rise in temperature. We could have simply eliminated this error by keeping the probe suspended in the water and giving it a stir every once in a while in order to reach uniform temperature in the can. A couple of minor errors I noticed were the fact that we used a graduated cylinder to measure our amount of water. Then we poured that water into our aluminum can but we weren't able to pour every ounce of water out of the cylinder.Thus affecting our mass in our mica formula for water and having an overall negative affect on our enthalpy value. Another minor thing was that as I noted in my qualitative data I incomplete combustion since soot (or otherwise known as impure carbon particles) is one of the products from that reaction. In this type of reaction less energy is released, thus dropping our enthalpy of combustion value to even further below our theoretical value. In order to fix these minor errors we can fill our can directly from the tap as well as have a greater supply of clean oxygen for the reaction to occur.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Against Euthanasia

1. 20. 13 I AM AGAINST EUTHANASIA voluntary: when a person is asked to be killed because the pain could not be handled any longer non-voluntary: when a person is killed by the decision of another person because the patient is incapable to do it himself/ herself. Euthanasia  is: 1. â€Å"A quiet, painless death. †Ã‚  or 2. â€Å"The intentional putting to death of a person with an incurable or painful disease intended as an act of mercy. † BIBLICAL POINTS: -Euthanasia is considered MURDER One of the Ten Commandments is â€Å"Thou shall not kill† and life is a gift from God that should not be destroyed – God has given us life to live, and SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AWAY on purpose – God is in everyone and every living thing. If you harm a living thing, YOU ARE HARMING GOD. – Paul stated (1 Corinthians 6:19) that our bodies are temples of our Lord. In VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA, we should not destroy ourselves because our life contains God’s Holy Sp irit – WHEN JOB WAS GOING THROUGH SUFFERING, he still refused to TAKE HIS OWN LIFE. He argues that we must accept the suffering as we accept happiness and joy.SUFFERING IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH. – No man dies unless God allows it (Job 2:6) Therefore, according to the Bible, a person SHOULD NOT be killed because of a certain condition they have. Although they WILL DIE, euthanasia should not take place. IT IS MURDER. Yes, God has planned that they will be terminally ill, and he knows when they will die. But only HE has the right to take their life, not doctors. OTHER POINTS: -the power to play with people’s lives should not be handed out under a legal and /or medical disguise. – it promotes abuse and gives doctors the right to urder. – doctors are people who we trust and cure us, but euthanasia gives them the opportunity to PLAY GOD -It’s not only Christians who are against euthanasia, but other religions too. (Musilim, Jews, Hin du, Buddhist) -UNBEARBLE PAIN- pain cannot be all eliminated, but killing is not the answer! The solution is to command better education of health care professionals, expand health care, and inform patients about their rights to be alive. – Euthanasia is not about the right to die. It’s about the right to kill. OTHER RELIGIONS AGAINST EUTHANASIA: Roman Catholic Church: direct euthanasia consists in putting an end to the lives of handicapped sick or dying persons. IT IS MORALLY UNACCEPTABLE. Muslim: -All life is a gift Allah, so it is sacred and Muslim have a duty to respect it and submut to his will -Only ALLAH can choose when a life will end -The reason for any suffering will be known to Allah, there must be a reason for pain Jews: – Anything which shortens life is forbidden, only God could decided when a person’s life should end Hindu: -Euthanasia goes against the belief of Ahimsa (non-violence) Buddhist: -voluntary euthanasia is wrong, it shows that th e person’s mind is in a bad state.

Monday, July 29, 2019

FreshTec Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

FreshTec - Essay Example The growers of fresh produce always compete against senescence. The growers have a tendency to harvest the fruits and vegetables before they are ripened in a proper manner. This in turn has a negative impact on the nutritional value and the quality of these fruits and vegetables. The loss of fruits and vegetables after harvest was an issue globally. The high content of water as well as the soft texture of the plants and vegetables increased the chances of physical injury. The fruits and vegetables were affected by the injury caused due to the extreme hot and cold temperature. This resulted in significant effects like rapid decay due to the freezing or high temperatures. Moreover, in the post harvest produce diseases are caused by bacteria and fungi. It is generally spread by various microscopic spores. As a result it is not often visible by the producers, packers and the retailers. The main purpose of fresh produce is to supply fresh food worldwide (Fresh Tec, 2011a). It has come up with the Smart Pac Systems solution to provide a solution to the aforementioned issue. Fresh Tec has come up with a technology which is distinguished from the other technologies because of its two aspects (Fresh Tec, 2011b). The effective way of exchanging heat from the box complied with that of the industry pressurized cooling has a positive impact on the fresh produce. It also has a natural oxidation purification system which cleans as well as sterilizes the produce while it is in transit. This technology will help to reduce the damage caused due to the environmental factors. The Passive Modified Atmosphere Packaging provided by Fresh Tec extends the life of the fresh produce. It also helps to pick the fresh produce after its ripening and deliver it to the customers with improved quality and cheaper means of transport. The natural oxidation system of Smart Pac has a food safety solution which is differentiated from that of the traditional MAP systems. The strict standards related to the quality, ripeness and food safety will help Fresh Tec to succeed in its purpose. However, there are some other factors which might act as a barrier to the success of Fresh Tec. One such barrier is the consumer switching costs. Moreover there is an increasing rivalry from the existing companies in the fresh produce industry. This arises mainly because of the price competition and high values of fixed costs. The increasing rivalry among the existing companies in the fresh produce industry can create a barrier in the success of the company. As already mentioned earlier, the rivalry among the existing companies in the fresh produce industry can act as a barrier to the success of Fresh Tec. The company hopes to attract and win the customers because of the quality, subsidiary servicing and brand imaging. The company needs to choose the right strategy in order to achieve competitive advantage over its competitors. The Smart Pac technology is a unique technology in the fresh produce transporting chain. Fresh Tec is having the advantage to lead the industry by effective utilization of this technology. The right strategy to acquire a leading position in the market is by implementing the Smart Pac techn

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Chapter 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Chapter 5 - Essay Example Then proceed to the actual purchase. The decision to purchase and the selection will be based on the features of the product, the perceived value and its capabilities. Then proceed with post purchase analysis. From the onset, the marketers should know that purchasing only exists because there exists are need. It therefore follows that the strategy to generate or reinforce a need in the consumers mind is absolutely significant in stimulating the consumer purchasing behaviour. This can be done through thorough marketing campaigns such as advertisements. The marketers should create brand awareness among consumers. Consumers normally select products that they know by name or those in their mind, this is called Top-of –mind awareness or TOPA. The marketers also need to improve customer relations and the general shopping experience for the consumers. This will go a long way in forging strong relations and improving reputation of the marketer’s product hence creating customer

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Finance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Finance - Case Study Example This involved the rise in the price of diesel, a shortage of drivers and an effort to maintain their depreciating fleets. Problem Statement The biggest challenge included debts from credit cards, commercial mortgages and machine financing. Exchange of money for a new issue of preferred stock and warrants was the beginning of GE Capital. This led to deterioration of the company at a remarkably fast rate. This deterioration, in turn, led to a fall in price of credit default swaps, lenders’ insurance and actual bonds of the company (Norton, Diamond and Pagach 245). Sales of common stock does not always imply a success in the financial position. Other Issues In debt and borrowing, it is of importance that GE Capital embraces its position with the AAA ratings. This rating is of the essence as it helps generate 40% of its revenue from the units. GE experienced a fall in earning up to below 110% of the fixed charges of the unit. This is defined as interest expense with an additional portion of rental costs. To gain financial stability, GE Capital needed to take the ratio back to 110%. A rise in the debt ratio above 8 to 1 would require the parent company to add more funds. Revenue was fixed at 170% at year end for GE Capital. This, however, was not matched by the equity to debt ratio as it was above 7.3 to 1 on the high end that was the case for various companies. Moreover, there is a greater share of more than $43 billion in loans that were securitized. Another problem was recruiting and employing quality drivers and raising finance for its operations. Other widespread concerns were the increasing expense on diesel fuel and machine parts and maintenance. There were also other concerns regarding the costs of operation related to complying with government regulations. Analysis Liquidity Current ratio Industry 2002 2001 2000 =1.1:1 2.3:1 2.8:1 3.4:1 Acid Test Ratio Industry 2002 2001 2000 =0.9:1 1.7:1 1.9:1 2.2:1 Working Capital Industry 2002 2001 2000 N/A 34,421 28,252 33,062 Profitability Return on Equity Industry 2002 2001 2000 30.2% 52.6% 13.0% 0.0% Stability Industry 2002 2001 2000 Debt/Equity 1.56:1 2.2:1 4.2:1 0.23:1 Interest Coverage N/A 5.5* 1.7* 1.0* Industry 2002 2001 2000 Age of Receivables 42.6 days 18days 16days 40days Age of Payables N/A 19days 14days 34days The liquidity ratio indicates that GE Capital has the ability to meet its financial needs. It is higher than the industry ratio. However, there is a decline in the ratios every year from 2000. There is no consistency in the levels of working capital throughout the three years. In 2002 working capital is greatest an indication that GE is doing well. Profitability of the company has been on the rise throughout the three years. It is higher than the industry level implying acceptable profitability. Stability of the company is higher than the industries as well as the repayment periods. This shows that the GE Capital is at a favorable financial position. Statement of Changes Sources: Other Receivable 53 Prepaid Expenses 1,172 Loan (New court) 13,631 Loan ( GE Capital) 189,000 Retained 56,999 Uses: (20,092) Net Cash Increase 300,732 Cash 31st Dec 2000 (3,877) Cash 31st Dec 2002 8107 The net cash increased by 300,732 and there was also an increase in cash in 2002 to 8107.It indicates the ability of GE Capital to meet its short term financial responsibility. It shows that the company has a remarkable liquidity. The Four C’s of Credit Character refers to the credibility of a business

Friday, July 26, 2019

Luis Valdez and El Teatro Campesino Research Paper

Luis Valdez and El Teatro Campesino - Research Paper Example Valdez was raised in a family of farmworkers who were migrants in the lands of caucasian Americans. He grew up in Delano, California and was exposed to farm work at a young age. He was well educated, despite the fact that his parents were in frequent travels. He finished college and went on to see labor unions and their struggles in a stranger country (Elam Jr. 3). In 1965, he started to participate in a strike organized by a union of farmers called the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (Elam Jr. 3). He was an apprentice then at the San Francisco Mime Troupe when he convinced leaders of the labor union to create a theater company of their own (Elam Jr. 3). He was successful in convincing UFWOC leaders and staged various plays that expressed the sentiments of the union as well as a cultural expression of Chicanos as a minority group. Themes of the play involved struggles of Mexican farmers, meager income in farm work, among others (Elam Jr. 3). In 1965, Valdez founded El Teatro Campesino, which was worldly-renowned (Huerta 69). Actors who were part of his newly-organized theater group were farmers, who were eager to expose the injustices they suffered in the fields while actively urging other farmers to join their cause, too (Huerta 69). Two years later, Valdez’s theater group abandoned the common portrayal of agricultural issues and began to explore other issues concerning the Chicanos or the Mexicans (Huerta 70). Valdez separated from the union because of the need to improve his craft in terms of standards in an effective theater play. El Teatro Campesino still graced farmers’ invitations to perform during union strikes, but also did portrayals of other worthy issues such as the American educational system and the status of the Chicanos in the particular sector (Huerta 70). The Education System. Valdez created plays that depict his criticisms against the American educational system. No Saco Nada de la Escuel a or He Didn’t Get Anything from School depicts how the education system forced the Americans’ dominant culture into the minds of cultural minorities such as the Chicanos (Valdez 66). Through that play, Valdez was able to convey his message of his opposition against the imposition of the English language as a medium of instruction in class, while discrimination against non-English speakers continued (Valdez 70-71). Murillo, Jr. et al. described language as a symbol of one’s identity; it is the â€Å"blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow† (19). Thus, Valdez believed that it is not an easy transition for students who were born and raised with the Spanish language as the mother tongue (66). Moreover, No Saco Nada de la Escuela portrayed how Valdez sees the American education system as a venue for bullying, and the toleration of it among Latino students. English was portrayed as the key to communication, the eradication of discr imination, and the perfect way to pass. Latinos in the Education System: 1950s to 1970s During the 1950s up until the 1960s, only few Mexican students successfully finished high school (I. Lopez 16-17), especially in schools located in Los Angeles. According to Lopez, the quality of education can be considered as the â€Å"

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Paths out of homelessness in chicago Research Paper

Paths out of homelessness in chicago - Research Paper Example These activities result in the migration of the population from rural to urban areas. This fact have caused the uncontrollable expansion of cities, this expansion has caused many environmental and social problems (Nese et al, 115). Locations in cities have a high level of accommodation and it holds the concentration of economic interests and activities. These structures are supported by transport systems. The larger the urban area the greater would be complexity and the potential of disturbances it is not carefully managed (McDonald et al, 342). One of the most important transport problems take place when the transport systems cannot satisfy the requirements of urban mobility for a variety of reasons, Urban productivity is entirely dependent on the transport system to move the goods and labour to multiple destinations. The highly considerable transport problems are traffic congestion and parking difficulties, this issue is the one of the most highly notable issue of the urban areas in the country. In order to analyze and carefully understand the transport system in the urban areas of the country the SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities Threats) is needed and helpful to build key strategic to resolve issues and achieve the goals. It is the most recognizable and reliable tool for check and analysis of the overall strategic position of the business and its environment. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the strategies that will create a model for the firm specific business. The model will best support an organization’s resources and capabilities to the requirements of the environment in which the firm operates. To be precise and brief, this analysis helps for evaluating the internal limitations and potential and the likely opportunities and threats from the external environment. This analysis views all the positive and negative factors inside and

Case study of The United Arab Emirates youths (UAEU) between modernity Essay

Case study of The United Arab Emirates youths (UAEU) between modernity and traditionalism - Essay Example To determine the available opportunities for young UAE nationals for the sole purpose of the implementation of processes that aim to replace the expatriate workforce with UAE nationals it is critical to determine their priorities in terms of religious and cognitive values. This is, as a matter of fact, what this study aims to do. 3- What was / were the methods used? The methodology of the study comprised the use of a questionnaire to conduct the research. An instrument of value structure was used to measure the values among UAEU students. Scores of each item took 0 and 3, where a score of 0 represented no choice and higher grades would indicate more choice. The numbers of items used were 60 pairs and they were used to measure individual differences on this instrument. 4- How large was the sample? The sample consisted of 595 students all of who were from UAEU. The selection process for these students was random and approximately 59 percent of them were female students, while the rest were male. Furthermore 81 percent of them were less than 25 years old and 84 percent of them were UAE nationals. 5- Interpretation: what were the results? The results of the study were relatively straightforward. The first priority amongst domains for a UAE national was that of religion; aspects of praying, believing, Quran reading and charity ranking the highest. The second priority was the cognitive domain which comprised of aspects of culture, success and aspiration ranked the most. The political domain came in as the third priority. With nationality, unity and freedom ranked at the top. The forth priority was the aesthetic domain. The students held aspects of elegancy as the most important value in this domain. The Social domain came next with obedience, friendship and forgiveness given the most rating. And the last domain was that of economic values, with productivity being the first priority for the UAEU students. 6- Synthesis: what were the conclusions? As an overall conclusi on of the research paper which evaluates the social values of a UAEU national through the use of a questionnaire the results produced indicate that religious and cognitive values were prioritized by the respondents In order to explore the importance of these socio-demographic factors in explaining the variation of values, multiple regression was used. The results of which display that gender, income, family size and father’s education explain about (11 percent) of social values variation and citizenship, GPA, gender variables explain about (8 percent) of religious values variation. Hence showing that gender, income levels, family size and father’s occupation were the most important factors in?uencing values. 7- Evaluate: how valid do you think the research was? The validity of a research hinges on the fact whether it measures what it sets out to. Looking at the objectives of this study what its sole aim is to appraise the values held by the United Arab Emirates Univers ity students and to assess the influence of socio-demographic factors on their values. That being said once we analyze the methodology, sample and the produced results we can effectively conclude that the research is credible in its findings and hence valid. 8- Evaluate: What is your response to the result? What has it contributed to your understanding? After going through the results I have come to the realization that the priorities of a UAE national hinge more towards the traditional side than the modern. With factors such

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Term Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Term Paper - Essay Example The main objective of this paper is to analyze the present employment situation in the UK market along with the history of job opportunity before and after the financial crisis in the UK in 2007. The paper is also emphasizing on the role of the government to combat that situation and also discuss about a suitable model for the UK government which can assist them to increase the rate of employment in the country. The recent survey clearly represented the fact that, most of the well-known British companies enrolled lesser number of graduates in 2012 compared to that of 2011. The recent data from the top 100 companies of the UK clearly suggested the fact that slow recruitment rate is the clear indication of sustained economic indecision in the corporate sector which was started during the financial crisis in the year of 2007. The data available from top 100 companies clearly represented the fact that there is 0.8% less graduate-level jobs available in those companies. The most affected sectors are the investment banking and accounting firms. According to Walker, (2013) â€Å"the drop reverses a trend which saw rises of 2.8% and 12.6% in 2011 and 2010, which followed sharp falls amid the global financial crisis in the two previous years. There is mixed news for those leaving university this year and currently buried under applications forms. On a positive note, the companies surveyed said they expected overall vacancies to nudge up by 2.7% this year.† (Walker, 2013). As per the opinion given by several top recruiting agencies, in the recent years most of the vacancies are expected to be filled up by the people who have prior work experience with them. The demand for the experience professional is going to be nearly 50% in case of the law firms and almost 75% in case of the various leading investment banks.  (Walker,2013) Due to the financial crisis and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Raynauds Phenomenon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Raynauds Phenomenon - Essay Example The primary type may proceed into secondary which may in severe cases culminate in gangrene and necrosis. Raynaud’s phenomenon is thought to result from over activation of the sympathetic system, which is characterized by vasoconstriction leading to a state of lack of oxygen in the tissues. In a patient with Raynaud’s phenomenon, there may be three skin color changes; at first the skin may undergo pallor which is primarily due to constriction of arteries (Spencer, 1998). This may be followed by cyanosis which is blueness of the tissues due to hypoxia, with the final change settling in as rubor that is redness due to return of blood into the arteries of the affected parts. However, it is not obligatory that all patients have a triphasic change of colors. In fact, it is now believed that most patients present only with bluish discoloration of digits, which is known as acrocyanosis (Sharathkumar, 2011). However, some groups of thoughts negate the idea, they believe that ac rocyanosis is distinct from Raynaud’s phenomenon since it is characterized by continuous cyanosis (Wigley, 2002). Raynaud’s phenomenon in infants is a rare finding. One such finding was relegated by a research paper consisting of a case report regarding an infant presenting with unilateral cyanosis at 1 month of age, who was later diagnosed to have primary Raynaud’s phenomenon at 9 months of age (Sharathkumar, 2011).

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Flower of Services for Gleneagles Hospital Essay Example for Free

The Flower of Services for Gleneagles Hospital Essay Gleneagles hospital Kuala Lumpur provides clear information about direction to service site on the websites. The address of Gleneagles hospital Kuala Lumpur is No 282 286 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur. Gleneagles hospital describes the location of the hospital where is located on Embassy Row on the main Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. The hospital location is central and easily accessible by the inner ring roads of Jalan Tun Razak and Jalan Ampang; the MRR (middle ring road) and AKLEH (Ampang-Kuala Lumpur Elevated Highway) by cars taxis or buses. Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur is near to Jelatek stop of Putra LRT station, it take less than 5 minutes by taxi to the hospital. The location map provided on the official website of Gleneagles. Gleneagles also provide information of regular visiting hours run from 9am to 10 pm. The visiting hours for Intensive Care (ICU) / Coronary Unit (CCU) / High Dependency Units (HDU) is 9. 00am to 2. 00 pm and 4. 00pm to 8. 00 pm. Gleneagles operates 24 hour daily for accident and emergency on the ground floor of the hospital. Gleneagles list out the price of executive screening programme such as basic screening for male and female is RM423, comprehensive screening for male and female is RM920, premium plus screening for male is RM1217, premium plus screening for female is RM 1364, etc. Gleneagles also provide information of prices for women wellness programme such as basic gynaecological screening cost RM115, breast screening cost RM192, etc. Gleneagles remind the customer to bring the following items to ensure a smooth admission: * passport/ identity card health insurance card and written letter of guarantee from health insurance company if the person is covered by insurances * doctor’s referral note, past or present medical records, x-rays, or prior test results (if the person physician has requested them) * Medications that have been prescribed to the person * A copy of your advance directives (if any) Gleneagles give warning to visitors, do not send flower to patient in ICU because ICU is a sterile place and should be kept free from possible contaminant. Order-taking The patients can book an appointment with Gleneagles through official website of Gleneagles. The patient need to fill in their particulars such as nationality, patient’s name, gender, date of birth, NRIC / Passport number, telephone number, mobile number, fax number, e-mail address, and patient’s current medical conditions / symptoms / diagnosis . The patient also needs to fill in preferred appointment period and time slot either morning or afternoon sessions. Lastly, Gleneagles require the person who book an appointment answers a question for additional information for Gleneagles and Gleneagles require these information to process the customer request. After complete fill in the details, the customer click submit button, the appointment is successfully book. Billing Gleneagles deliver the bill for individual who do medical services at their hospital. The bill contains information address of Gleneagles, bill number, bill date/time, bill prepared by who, account number, credit term and contact number. The bill also state clearly about the medical service charge such as charge for bed, CSSD, cath lab, medical record, laboratory, pharmacy, medical/surgery supply, equipment charge, nursing and doctor consultation / procedure charge. Payment The patients can make payment at registration counter when check out from hospital by using credit or debit card. Pre-payment is required for all check-up programs. Gleneagles also accept the cash for the payment and changes will give back to the customer for overpayment. The patient also can make payment for medical service provided through online to Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur SDN. BHD. cross account. For self-paying patients, 1. 5 percent interest will be charged per month is the amount due after 30 days. Gleneagles charge parking fee for the vehicles park inside the hospital. Gleneagles using machine at entry gate for gives the parking ticket to the driver who want parking inside the hospital. Therefore, the visitors and patient parking inside Gleneagles need pay the parking fee by insert cash into machine in order to drive out from the hospital.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Computed Tomography and Nasal Endoscopy in Chronic Headache

Computed Tomography and Nasal Endoscopy in Chronic Headache STUDY OF CORRELATION BETWEEN COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY AND NASAL ENDOSCOPY IN CHRONIC HEADACHE ABSTRACT AIM: To evaluate the correlation between radiological and endoscopic findings in cases of chronic headache Methodology: The study includes 300 patients who presented to the OPD of a tertiary level centre with headache. RESULTS: Endoscopic and CT abnormalities were detected in 265/300 (88.3%) patients. Most common abnormality was a septal spur impinging on lateral nasal wall seen in 94 cases (35.4%), followed by inferior turbinate hypertrophy, concha bullosa, accessory maxillary sinus ostium, paradoxical curved middle turbinate, polyposis and frontal osteoma. A majority of patients had associated changes in the sinuses as well. CONCLUSION: The study highlights the correlation between radiological and endoscopic findings of sinonasal disease as a cause of headache. Abnormalities and variations in endonasal anatomy, functional or anatomical or a combination of these variations caused narrowing of OMU, which predisposed patients to sinonasal disease and headache Key Words: Endoscopy, Headache Introduction Headache is common with high lifetime prevalence in general population. Headache disorders are generally classified as either primary (migraine, tension type and cluster headache) or secondary (infectious, vascular, drug induced). [1] Chronic headache, defined as headache on 15 or more days per month, affects 3% of people worldwide. [2] Sinusitis may constitute one of the most commonly confusing clinical presentation of migraine [3], probably because cranial autonomic symptoms are common in migraine [4] based on activation of the trigeminal-autonomic reflex [5]. Headaches located in the frontal, supraorbital, or infraorbital region are sinus headaches [6]. These headaches are usually recurrent, non-seasonal, and unassociated with fever, localized tenderness, or erythema. [7] Fifty years ago, the extracorporeal cold light and its transmission by glass fibers, along with the hopkins rod lens system, were introduced. The development and application of these technologies to upper airways allowed studying, understanding, and improving knowledge of the anatomy, physiology, and diseases of the nasal cavity and sinuses, in particular, some fundamental concepts of modern rhinology are based on endoscopic nasal findings and messerklinger’s investigations of the pathophysiology of sinus mucosa. These studies radically changed traditional understanding of sinus inflammation and revolutionized its treatment using endoscopic conservative surgical management [messerklinger, 1966, 1967, and 1978]. Whether or not nasal obstruction can lead to chronic headache is controversial [8]. Paradoxically, sinus disease also tends to be underdiagnosed, as sphenoid sinus infection frequently is missed [9] Aim The study was conducted in patients with chronic headache to study the anatomical and pathological abnormalities in nose and paransasal sinuses, to correlate radiological with endoscopic findings and finally to assess type of cases requiring nasal surgery in patients who are not responding to medical treatment. Methodology The study includes 300 patients who presented to the OPD of a tertiary level centre during the period July 2010 to July 2014, who had symptoms and signs of chronic headache. Inclusion criteria: Patients presenting with sinugenic headache. The data is collected on the basis of detailed history, systemic examination, ENT examination and investigations. Diagnostic criteria: Subsequently all the selected candidates were worked up on the history, general examination, and ENT examination carried out. CT PNS was done in all the patients. Diagnostic Nasal endoscopy under local anesthesia was done to record the condition of nasal mucosa, septum, turbinates and to assess the condition of the nasopharynx and eustachian tube opening, to look for the presence of mucopus or polyp in the middle meatus/sphenoethmoidal recess/nasopharynx. Also, any co-existing anatomical variations of the lateral wall of the nose were noted. Once the diagnosis and extent of the disease was established, the patients were taken up for FESS. Results: In present study majority of patients were female. 190 were females and 110 were males in a total of 300 patients. Table -1 TABLE -2: ABNORMALITIES ON ENDOSCOPIC AND CT EXAMINATION Endoscopic abnormalities were found in 265/300 patients. Majority of patients had deviated nasal septum with spur impringing on lateral nasal wall, as a most common endoscopic abnormality. Other conditions identified were abnormal middle turbinate, enlarged ethmoid bulla, polyps, inferior turbinate hypertrophy, prominent aggernasi cells and frontal osteoma. Sinus involvement of varying severity was seen in 70% of patients. TABLE-3: COMPARISON OF RADIOLOGICAL ENDOSCOPIC ABNORMALITIES Treatment In present study of 300 patients, all patients underwent medical treatment. The medical treatment included nasal decongestants, steroid sprays, antibiotic therapy and steam inhalation. The minimum duration of medical treatment was 6 months. The end point of medical treatment was a score of more than 5 on pain scale. 265 patients were taken up for surgery. The most common surgical procedure done was septoplasty with turbinoplasty under LA followed by FESS in cases with sinus involvement. The pain score was evaluated 3 months following surgery. We found that majority of patients who had pain score more than 5 at end of 6months of medical treatment were treated with surgery and had a pain score less than 5 at 3 months. Discussion Standard radiography is inadequate for the clinical evaluation of sinusitis because it does not evaluate the anterior ethmoid air cells, the upper two thirds of the nasal cavity, or the infundibular, middle meatus, or frontal recess air passages. [11] CT is the optimal radiographic study to assess the paranasal sinuses for evidence of disease. The mucosa of the normal, non infected sinus approximates the bone so closely that it cannot be visualized on ct. Therefore, any soft tissue seen within a sinus is abnormal [12]. CT may demonstrate mucosal thickening, sclerosis, clouding, or air-fluid levels. Imaging must be performed in the coronal plane to adequately demonstrate the ethmoid complex. It can reveal the extent of mucosal disease in the ostio meatal complex Incidental anatomic abnormalities within the paranasal sinuses are common. Incidental anatomic abnormalities on CT scans occur in 27% to 45% of asymptomatic individuals [13]. Patients undergoing endoscopic sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis were evaluated with CT and staged according to the Lund system. (Each paranasal sinus: anterior ethmoid, posterior ethmoid, maxillary, frontal, and sphenoid sinus for each side was given a score of 0 for no opacification, 1 for partial opacification, or 2 for total opacification) The ostiomeatal complex was assigned a score of 0 for Patent or 2 for obstructed. The Lund score ranged from 0 to 24. Wolff [14] showed that the sinuses themselves are relatively insensitive to pain. The pain associated with sinusitis comes from engorged and inflamed nasal structures: nasofrontal ducts, turbinates, ostia, and superior nasal spaces. Headache associated with paranasal sinus disease usually has a deeper, dull, aching quality combined with a heaviness and fullness. It seldom is associated with nausea and vomiting A severe, intractable, new-onset headache that interferes with sleep and is not relieved by simple analgesics should alert one to the diagnosis of sphenoid sinusitis. The headache increases in severity and has no specific location. Pain or paraesthesias in the facial distribution of the fifth nerve and photophobia or eye tearing are suggestive of sphenoid sinusitis. [15-19] Mcauliffe et al [20] studied the sensitivity of the nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses using touch, pressure, and faradic stimulation. The nasal turbinates and sinus ostia were much more sensitive than the mucosal lining of the septum and the paranasal sinuses. Most of the pain elicited was referred pain. It was of increased intensity, longer duration, and referred to larger areas in subjects who had swelling and engorgement of the nasal turbinates and the sinus ostia. Sschà ¸nsted-madsen et al [21] followed up 444 patients who had nasal obstruction, 157 of whom had headache. Treatment consisted of septo-plastic surgery, reconstruction of the nasal pyramids, or submucosal conchotomy. The headache usually was localized to the forehead, glabella, or above and around the eyes. Headache can be arising from the paranasal sinuses, which may be missed even after careful history. Nasal endoscopy plays an important role in recognizing pathological changes following radiographic investigations. The IHS has established new criteria for acute sinus headache [22} Rhinosinusitis headache Good nasal endoscopic examination, with CT PNS wherever necessary, has proved best modality for comprehensive diagnosis of chronic inflammatory disease of PNS. Following these definitive reliable techniques with adequate diagnostic information, to determine which treatment modality is required or necessary and also can avoid radical surgery in majority of instances. Jakobsen and Svendstrup (2000) (23) conducted a prospective study on 237 consecutive patients suffering from chronic sinusitis and or nasal polyposis. Nasal obstruction was the most frequent symptom (61%) followed by purulent nasal discharge, anosmia, frontal pain, headache and maxillary pain. Duration of symptoms averaged 9.3years. At the end of 1 year follow up 45% were totally satisfied with the results and were symptom free and 44% were definitely feeling better. Damm et al (2002) (24) conducted a study on patients with CRS to assess impact of FESS on the symptoms profile. Leading symptoms of CRS were nasal obstruction (92%) and postnasal drip (87%). Furthermore, patients reported dry upper respiratory tract syndrome in 68%, hyposmia in 66%, and headache in 64% and asthmatic complaints in 34%. After a mean postoperative follow up of 31.7 months, an improvement in quality of life was achieved in 85%, no change in 12% deterioration in 3% mainly responsible for this improvement was the postoperative decrease of nasal obstruction (84%), headache (82%) and postnasal drip (74%) (All symptoms; p Conclusion In present study 265 patients were found to have abnormal pathological findings, and 5 patients had typical structure of lateral nasal wall. Among anatomic variants, deviated nasal septum with mucopurulent discharge followed by abnormal uncinate process, abnormal middle turbinate resulted in significant narrowing of OMC. Most of these patients were not relieved with medical treatment had anatomical variations and such patients were posted for surgical treatment. To conclude, combination of thorough nasal endoscopic examination and CT of PNS for diagnosis of functional status of nasal and PNS as well as surgical treatment of functional and anatomical variations including postoperative follow up minimal conservative resection of anatomical abnormalities or small pathological lesions in intricate lateral wall of nose may only be required to alleviate nagging chronic intractable headache. So, nasal endoscopy is useful for the diagnosis as well as for surgical intervention and management of sinugenic headache. Bibiography 1 Martin V, Elkind A. Diagnosis And Classification Of Primary Headache Disorders.In Standards Of Care For Headache Diagnosis And Treatment. Chicago (Il): National Headache Foundation: 2004 P. 4-18 2 Stovner L, Hagen K, Jensen R, Katsarava Z, Lipton R, Scher A, Etal. The Global Burden Of Headache: A Documentation Of Headache Prevelance And Disability World Wide. Cephalgia 2007; 27(3): 193-210 In 3. Bcps; Powers C, Schreiber Cp, Hutchinson S, Webster Cj, Ames M,Richardson Ms, Pharm D (2004) Prevalence Of Migraine In Patients With Ahistory Of Self-Reported Or Physician-Diagnosed Sinus Headache. Arch Intern Med 164:1769–1772 4. Peter Jg (2009) Lacrimation, Conjunctival Injection, Nasal Symptoms Cluster Headache, Migraine And Cranial Autonomic Symptoms In Primary Headache Disorders- Whats New? J Neurol Neursurg Psychiatry 80:1057–58 5. May A, Goadsby Pj (1999) The Trigeminovascular System In Humans: Pathophysiological Implications For Primary Headache Syndromes Of The Neural Influences On The Cerebral Circulation. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 19:115–127 6. Dadgarnia Mh, Atighechi S, Baradaranfar Mh (2010) The Response To Sodium Valproate Of Patients With Sinus Headaches With Normal Endoscopicand Ct Findings. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 267:375–379 7. Levine Hl, Setzen M, Cady Rk, Et Al. (2006) An Otolaryngology, Neurology,Allergy And Primary Care Consensus On Diagnosis And Treatment Of Sinus Headache.A Literature Review. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 134:516–52.3 [8] Schà ¸nsted-Madsen U, Stoksted P, Christensen Ph, Koch-Henriksen N. Chronic Headache Related To Nasal Obstruction. J Laryngol Otol 1986;100:165–70. [9] Lew D, Southwick Fs, Montgomery Ww, Weber Al, Baker As. Sphenoid Sinusitis:A Review Of 30 Cases. N Engl J Med 1983;19:1149–54. 10. Second Headache Classification Subcommittee.The International Classification Of Headache Disorders.Cephalalgia.2004;24(Suppl 1):1-150 [11] Zinreich Sj. Paranasal Sinus Imaging. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1990;103:863–9 [12] Schatz Cj, Becker Ts. Normal Ct Anatomy Of The Paranasal Sinuses. Radiol Clin Northam 1984; 22:107–18 [13] Bhattacharyya N, Fried Mp. The Accuracy Of Computed Tomography In The Diagnosis Ofchronic Rhinosinusitis. Laryngoscope 2003;113:125–9. [14] Wolff Hg. Wolff’s Headache And Other Head Pain. 1st Edition. New York: Oxford University Press; 1948 [15] Lew D, Southwick Fs, Montgomery Ww, Weber Al, Baker As. Sphenoid Sinusitis: A Review Of 30 Cases. N Engl J Med 1983;19:1149–54. [16] Kibblewhite Dj, Cleland J, Mintz Dr. Acute Sphenoid Sinusitis: Management Strategies.J Otolaryngol 1988;17:159–63 [17] Goldman Ge, Fontanarosa Pb, Anderson Jm. Isolated Sphenoid Sinusitis. Am J Emergmed 1993;11:235–8 [18] Deans Jaj, Welch Ar. Acute Isolated Sphenoid Sinusitis: A Disease With Complications.J Laryngol Otol 1991;105:1072–4. [19] Nordeman L, Lucid E. Sphenoid Sinusitis, A Cause Of Debilitating Headache. J Emerg Med1990;8:557–9. [20] Mcauliffe Gw, Goodell H, Wolff Hg. Experimental Studies On Headache: Pain From The Nasal And Paranasal Structures. Res Publ Assoc Res Nerv Ment Dis 1943;23:185–206. [21] Schà ¸nsted-Madsen U, Stoksted P, Christensen Ph, Koch-Henriksen N. Chronic Headache Related To Nasal Obstruction. J Laryngol Otol 1986;100:165–70. [22] Headache Classification Committee Of The International Headache Society. Classification And Diagnostic Criteria For Headache Disorders, Cranial Neuralgia, And Facial Pain. Cephalalgia 1988;8(Suppl 7):1–96 (23) Jakobsen J, Svendstrup F. Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery In Chronic Sinusitis-A Series Of 237 Patients Consecutive1y Operated Patients. Actaotolaryngol, Suppl. 2000; 543: 158-161. (24) Damn M, Quante G, Jangehuelsing M, Stennert E.Impact Offunctional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery On Symptoms And Quality Of Life In Chronic Rhinosinusistis. Laryngoscope, Feb 2002; 112: 310-315.

Bag of Visual Words Model

Bag of Visual Words Model Abstract Automatic interpretation of Remote sensing images is a very important task in several practical fields. There are several approaches to accomplish this task, one of the most powerful and effective approach is the use of local features and machine learning techniques to detect objects and classify it. In such an approach, first, the image is scanned for local features and coded in a mathematically manipulatable form, then these local features are injected to a classifier to get the class of the object which contains these local features. In this thesis, bag of visual words model for detecting and recognizing of objects in high resolution satellite images is constructed and tested using blob local features. Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) and Speedup Robust Features (SURF) algorithms are used as blob local feature detector and descriptor. The extracted features are coded mathematically with Bag of Visual Words algorithm in order to represent an image by the histograms of visua l words. Dimension reduction technique is used to eliminate non-relevant and non-distinctive data using Principle Component Analysis (PCA). Finally, a single class Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is used to classify the object image as a positive or negative match. We extend the typical use of BOVW by using an object proposals technique to extract regions that will be classified by the SVM depends on keypoints location clustering instead of sliding window approach. Besides enhance the resolution independency by using geospatial info extracted from the remote sensing images meta-data to extract real dimensions of objects during training and detection. The whole approach will be tested practically in the experiment work to prove that this approach is capable to detecting a number of geo-spatial objects, such as airplane, airports and cars. Introduction The remote sensing, images has been developed in quantity and quality and its applications. The image itself is not useful without analysis. The analysis is to generate information from the image.ÂÂ   One of the image analysis tasks is the detection of objects from the images, either man-made objects or natural objects. The automation of this task is very useful in real world applications, but it is very challenging. This can be one of the computer vision field problems. The methods that, use local features in object, recognition from visual data is very successful in recent researches. The benefits of using local features is immunity, to occlusion, and clutter, and with greatest significantly, no pre-step of segmentation, is required before local feature extraction. The accessibility of diverse feature extraction and descriptors algorithms lets local feature methods efficient. Furthermore, the large number of features, generated from images of objects is crucial advantage, of l ocal features. While the benefits of local features are useful, a feature has to cover some factors; like invariance to scaling, rotation, illumination, viewing direction slight change, noise and cluttering. Motivation The revolutionary technology used in new generation satellite systems is driving the development of new large scale data handling approaches in remote sensing related applications. Furthermore, the large image archives captured over the previous missions are now being used to produce innovative global products. In particular, the development of large-scale analytics tools to efficiently extract information and apply the achieved results towards answering scientific questions represents a big challenge for the research community working in the Remote Sensing field. One of the most useful analytic tools in remote sensing images is the object detection and recognition, either the man-made objects or natural ones as shown in Figure ‎1‑1 Figure ‎1‑1 Object detection as a Remote sensing image interpretation analysis There are a lot of challenges faced by the researchers like, but not limited to, enhancing the efficiency to process large data, developing the suitable techniques to detect and recognize various object types and develop tools and platforms needed to store, analyze, interpret and represent data and results. These challenges united experts of data science, algorithm development and computer science, as well as environmental experts and geoscientists, to present state-of-the-art algorithms, tools, and applications for processing and exploitation of a huge amount of remotely sensed data. The scope of these researches can be generalized as following: Studies describing advanced approaches to process large volume of multi-temporal optical, SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) and radiometric data. Studies discussing innovative techniques, and associated data processing methods for very large-scale data exploitation. Critical analyses of existing and innovative tools, methods and techniques for large-scale analytics to extract and represent information Results of case studies executed at different large spatial and temporal scales, also by using GRID and/or Cloud Computing platforms. Results of on-going national/international initiatives and solutions for managing, processing, and disseminating huge archives of Remote Sensing data and relevant results. Problem Statement This thesis addresses the problem of geospatial object detection and recognition from high resolution satellite images. The problem we are trying to solve is to decide if a given aerial, or satellite image, contains one or more objects, belonging to the class of interest, and locate the position, of each predicted object, in the image. The expression object stated in this thesis is any type of object may appear in the remote sensing images, including man-made objects which have sharp edges and are distinct from the background, for example a building, a ship, a vehicle. Our solution must be consider the challenges and difficulties of object detection in optical remote sensing images like visual appearance variations which caused by occlusion, viewpoint variation, clutter, illumination variation, shadow variation, etc. A general statement of the problem can be formulated as follows: Given a remote sensing image contains different objects, it is required to decide if one or more occurrences of a specific object class is existing in this image, and if so, detect locations of these objects, this needs to be successful in case of variation of viewpoint, occlusion, background clutter Objectives Model a methodology to solve the problem stated above that can features the following: Acquire training data of unlimited object classes. Read high resolution remote sensing images and able to analyze its data. Detect occurrences of trained object classes in the remote sensing images Demonstrate results as a geo-referenced data type. In this thesis, we will demonstrate a model to achieve these objectives, and assess its results compared to other state-of-the-art models presented in the recent researches. Thesis Layout The thesis is composed of five chapters, the first chapter presenting an introduction stating the motivation, problem definition and objectives, second chapter is discussing the literature survey about the problem and researches in the field, third chapter presenting a detailed explanation of the methodology proposed to solve the problem. Fourth chapter contains the experimental results of the model. Fifth chapter discusses and concludes the methodology represented in this thesis, then a few points is suggested as a future work.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Bilingual Ed Essay -- essays papers

Bilingual Ed BILINGUAL EDUCATION IS BENEFICIAL TO STUDENTS ABILITIES TO ASSIMILATE IN THE MAINSTREAM CULTURE English only--sink or swim? Yeah right! Instead of English Only Advocates worrying about bilingual education cost in our school system, why not take advantage of the skills our ethnic minorities possess to move our economy forward? They are obviously not thinking clearly, because the benefit of bilinguals, significantly outweigh the bad. To deny our youth the opportunity for upward mobility and skill to become more marketable in a worldwide capacity is inhumane. They believe bilinguals threaten to sap our sense of national identity and divide us along ethnic lines. They also fear that any government recognition of minority languages à ¬sends the wrong messageà ® to immigrants, encouraging them to believe they can live in the U.S.A. without learning English or conforming to à ¬The Americanà ® way. That is an overt, racist, and paranoid view, donà ­t you think? The most significant issues that support bilingual education for students ability to assimilate in the mainstream cultur e are, the development of students linguistic resources and preserve their cultural heritage, contributions to the American economy, and diversity. The development of a students language and preservation of their culture is essential for the upward mobility of todayà ­s youth. There always have been some immigrants who viewed themselves explicitly as the preserver and savior of their languages and heritages. Since the late 1800s, ethnic minorities in America have been consistently characterized as culturally inferior. Their language right has consistently been the subject of political review. Politicians do not have (PCC(SW) Taylor/16603/M... ... IV a. Preservation of culture/language b. Ethnic minorities culturally inferior c. Language subject to political review. d. Encourage bilingualism e. Students face difficulty in school f. Educational failure V a. American economy b. English one language c. Information Techmnology. d. 4 year study. e. WEB pages. VI a. We discussed the development of students linguistic resources b. As Equal Opportunity Advisors c. Assimilate ethnic minority personnel into the mainstream of society d. No matter what the theoretical conclusions e. They should be afforded the opportunity to judge for themselves Bibliography: James Crawford Homepage, RethinkingSchools à ± Bilingual Education Summer 1999 James Crawford Homepage, MAY 1987

Friday, July 19, 2019

Schenck v. United States (1919) :: essays research papers

Schenck v. United States (1919) The Schenck court case of 1919 developed out of opposition to U.S. involvement in World War I (1914-1918). Antiwar sentiment in the United States was particularly strong among socialists, German Americans, and religious groups that traditionally supported antiviolence. In response to this outlook, Congress passed the Espionage Act of 1917. This law provided heavy fines and jail terms for interfering with U.S. military operations or for causing or attempting to cause insubordination or disloyalty in the military. In addition, the act made it illegal to obstruct recruitment efforts of the U.S. armed forces. Among the many Americans convicted of violating the Espionage Act was Charles Schenck, general secretary of the Socialist Party of the United States. In 1917 Schenck sent copies of a letter urging resistance to the military draft to 15,000 men who had been drafted but not yet inducted into the U.S. military. Schenck's letter claimed that the draft violated the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which abolished slavery and prohibited involuntary servitude. Schenck argued that forced enrollment into the military was a form of involuntary servitude and therefore should be prohibited. The letters also claimed that businesses had conspired to lead the United States to war, against the interests of average Americans. Schenck advised readers to assert their individual rights by opposing the draft, but he did not directly promote violence or avoidance of the draft laws. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., delivered a judgment that established guidelines for evaluating the limits of free speech. In Schenck’s case, Court had to decide whether the First Amendment protected his words, even though it might have had the power to cause opposition to the draft. The First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech." The Court concluded that because Schenck's speech was intended to create opposition to the draft, he was not protected by the First Amendment. Holmes considered the context of Schenck's speech as well as its intent. In his opinion, he created a new legal test: the clear and present danger test; that was designed to identify when certain forms of speech were not protected by the First Amendment.

Early Learning Essay -- essays papers

Early Learning The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the issue of Preschool to determine if children who participate in structured preschool programs are more successful in kindergarten or first grade. There are a few types of preschool programs. First there are structured preschool programs that focus on emphasizing an actual school setting and classroom activities in order to prepare the child for kindergarten or first grade. There are also day care centers, which are not as structured as preschool centers. Daycare’s focus mainly on child’s development through social interaction with children and caregivers. Then there are head start programs that are geared to give children a foot in the right direction in order to be ready for preschool or kindergarten. The right kind of childcare can be a wonderful opportunity to promote the profound learning children experience from birth through age five (Selecting child care, 2002). When selecting childcare for your child the foundation of early learning has offered some tips that they believe will be helpful in the process. The foundation says that parents have always known that good early experience was important for their child. Now scientist and researchers are confirming how critical these first years of life are to your child’s healthy development (Selecting child care, 2002). Because the brain matures in the world rather than in the womb, the brain growth and development of infants and young children is deeply affected by their earliest experiences. In a childcare environment the relationship your child has with the caregiver will also affect how that child feels about himself and the world around him and as he grows up (Selecting child care, 2002). I ... ...s longitudinal studies. Bibliography Black, Jeffrey. (1991). School Readiness [Electronic version]. Retrieved April 27, 2003, from Codding, Karen. (n.d.). Test of Kindergarten and First Grade Readiness Skills. [Electronic version]. Retrieved April 20, 2003, from Anderson, Jeanne. (2002). Selecting Child Care. [Electronic version]. Retrieved April 21, 2003, from Zill, Nicholas. (1995). School Readiness and Children’s Development Status.Eric Digest. [Electronic version]. Retrieved April 21, 2003, from McKey, Al. (1985). School Readiness and Children’s Development Status.Eric Digest. [Electronic version]. Retrieved April 21, 2003, from

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Pythagoras Theorem and Financial polynomials Essay

Pythagoras Theorem and Financial polynomials Introduction                   Ahmed and Vanessa have interest in locating a treasure, which is buried. It is my responsibility to help the two locate it. First, I will help them locate it by the use of Pythagorean quadratic. As per Ahmed’s half, the treasure is buried in the desert (2x + 6) paces form the Castle Rock while as per Vanessa’s half she has to walk (x) paces to the north then walk (2x + 4) paces to the east. According to the Pythagorean theorem, every right angled triangle with length (a) and (b) as well as a hypotenuse (c), has a relationship of (a2 + b2 = c2) (Larson & Hostetler, 2009).                   In Ahmed and Vanessa’s case, I will let a=x, b =2x+4 and then c=2x+6. To follow, will be my efforts to put the measurements above into the real Pythagoras theorem equation as follows: X2+ (2x+4)2=(2x+6)2 this is the equation formed out of the Pythagoras Theorem X2+4Ãâ€"2+16x+16 = 4Ãâ€"2+ 24x+36 are the binomials squared x2 & 4Ãâ€"2 on both sides can be subtracted out. X2+16x+16 = 24x +36 subtract 16x from both sides X2+16 = 8x+36 now subtract 36 from both sides X2-20 = 8x X2-8x-20=0 I will use to solve the function by factoring using the zero factor. (x-) (x+) the coefficient of x2 Application and selection from the following (-2, 10: -10,2: -5,4; -4, -5) In this case, it seems that I am going to use -10 and 2 is as per how the expression looks like this (x-10)(x+2)=0 X-10=0 or x+2=0 creation of a complex equation x=10 or x=-2 these are the two probable resolutions to this equation.                   One of the two calculated solutions is an extraneous solutions, as it do not work with such sceneries. The remaining solution I only have is (X=10) as the number of paces Ahmed and Vanessa have to accomplish to find the lost treasure. As a result the treasure is 10 paces to the north 2x+4 connect the 10, now its 2(10)+4=24 paces to the east of Castle Rock, or 2x+6= 2(10)+6=26 paces from Castle Rock. Financial polynomial                   For the case of financial polynomials, I have first to write the polynomial without the parenthesis. Following the above, I have to solve for p= 2000 + r = 10% for part A and then solve for p= $5670 + r = 3.5% for part B, without the parenthesis as follows: P + P r + P r2/4 (the original polynomial) to reach this I followed the following steps: (1 + r/2)2 This is because it looks as if it is foil P(1 + r/2) P (1+r/2)(1+r/2) After the two equations I combine like terms. Because I am multiplying by 2 on r/2, it cancels out both 2’s and I then get left with is r as follows; P(1+ r/2 + r/2 + r2/4) P(1 + 2(r/2) + r2/4) I then write in descending order (P + Pr + Pr2) To solve for P=2000 and r=10% the following follows; P + Pr + Pr2/4 2000 + 2000 Ãâ€"(0.10) +2000Ãâ€" 0.1024 2000 + 200 + 5 = $2205 P(1+ r/2)2 2000Ãâ€"( 1 + .10)2 2000Ãâ€"(1.05)2 2000Ãâ€"( 1.1025) = $2205 For part B I will solve for P=5670 and r= 3.5% P + Pr + P Ãâ€"(r2/4) 5670 + 5670Ãâ€" (0.035) + 5670 Ãâ€" 0.0352 5670 + 198.45 + 1.7364375 = 5870.1864375 This is approximately ($5870.19) The problem 70 on page 311 has the following steps; (-9Ãâ€"3 + 3Ãâ€"2 – 15x) à · (-3x) The Dividend is (-9Ãâ€"3 + 3Ãâ€"2 – 15x), and the Divisor is (-3x). The Dividend is (-9Ãâ€"3 + 3Ãâ€"2 – 15x), and the Divisor is (-3x). -9Ãâ€"3 + 3Ãâ€"2 – 15x -3xAfter I divide -9 by -3 which equals +3. The x on the bottom cancels the x from the top. -9Ãâ€"3 + 3Ãâ€"2 – 15x -3x -3x -3x -9* x*x* x I am now left with 3Ãâ€"2 for the first part of the polynomial. -3 * x -9*x *x * x -3 * x I first divide 3 by -3, which equals -1 and the x from the bottom cancels out one of the x’s from the top. -9Ãâ€"3 + 3Ãâ€"2 – 15x -3x -3x -3x 3 *x *x At this point I am left with -1x, which simplifies to just –x, as the second part of the polynomial. Then -3 *x 3 *x * x -3 * x Then I divide -15 by -3, which equals positive 5, and the x on the bottom cancels out the x on the top, so you do not have any x’s to carry onto the answer of the equation. -9Ãâ€"3 + 3Ãâ€"2 – 15x -3x -3x -3x -15 *x At this point I am left with only 5 for the last part of the polynomial, and the answer is 3Ãâ€"2 – x + 5. -3 * x -15 * x -3 * x                   The negative sign from the -3 x changes the plus sign in the equation to a minus sign, it changes the minus sign to a plus sign in the final answer, and the equation is in Descending order. Reference Larson, R., & Hostetler, R. P. (2009). Elementary and intermediate algebra. Boston, Mass: Houghton Mifflin Source document

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Accounting and financial history Essay

write up and m matchlesstary chronicleIntroduction Many pile put on spent their entire lives insideng look for on the teaching of report and too the fiscal history. Economic sector is the secureness of e re all(prenominal)y estate and that is why the explore has been taken seriously. accounting system has taken divers(prenominal) signifiers in its development and each phase arrive at a significant signification to the nows news report process. The development has been influenced greatly by major economic, political and social upshots that modify the world in the past centuries. contrary periods let in addition influenced the development of account, profession and monetary history. Every yield that has been disaster in the world has led story formation to another(prenominal) take aim in monetary value of development. about of the events were negative part several(prenominal) were positive but they all influenced the development of be positively an d that is what people roll in the hay explanation in the authentic cadence. Accounting and fiscal history is interconnected with events and periods and thence one cannot separate the two season studying this history. Different countries control several(predicate) method of accounting history although at that place atomic number 18 some international events that had influenced much than one country and that means that they have the equivalent accounting and pecuniary history. The object of the publisher is to discuss an event on accounting, barter or monetary history and its relevance for today.See to a greater extent Foot backrest In China essay identification and development of accounting as a profession in unite States (1900-1920) In early 1895, there were many companies and corporations in the United States industry and they were both gargantuan and small. The market could not accommodate the unsound numbers of the corporations and companies and thus the on ly final result to this problem was to merge them in send to regulate their number. This process eventually happened tenor 1895 to 1900 where many companies merged and form fewer big companies. A good utilization is the tube fraternity which was formed after unite many companies that were producing tubes. The many tubes companies formed one large company which had a lot of trading operations in it and that is where the routine of accounting got involved (Charles, 1992 p.2). While the companies were small, they were sharp their financial results manually without any take of professionalism. However, the process of meeting those companies and corporations made the companies and corporations to have a lot of operations and they necessary a professional governing body of accounting. They were in need of more auditors to work on the financial operations in those companies because the financial spot of the companies had gone up and they could no longer depend on the manua l or outdated methods of accounting. Some companies that were merging were from diverse locations and thus they were forced to chip in some branches where they could manage all the accounting processes and auditing of all financial statements for all the companies that were merging (Stephan, 2003 p. 200). Also the number of auditors was increased while some auditors operated on mobile bases, they could bear upon from one company to another because the demand was very superior. Another change that occurred in accounting due to the merging of companies was the mental picture of the third society in the accounting operations. Some companies that had merged had holdings companies while others were to a lower place the discover of banks. The introduction of the third troupe meant that there was another party which would be interested in the financial records of a company (Christopher, 2009 p. 40). Banks would send their auditor to get the financial records of the company under c ontrol and thus the accounting transcription in the company was improved in put up to improve accuracy. Involvement of another party meant that there was more work in the accounting and it necessitate a high aim of professionalism, and that took the accounting system to another level. Some companies would elect other companies as holding and they were responsible of auditing the financial records of the company because they were stakeholders of the company. In 1909, the congress passed a law that abolished the income value but it introduced certify measure. liberty revenue law required companies to acquit their income tax to the political science this meant that they were supposed to toast their annual financial statements to the political sympathies. They were forced to think their expenses and their income in do to come up with the right amount which would be taxed. This jurisprudence required the company to have a complex and well- accomplished accounting system. The auditors from the governments were in any case required to calculate and measure out the financial statements of those companies in order to interpret that they were true. This event took accounting to another level of professionalism. After the introduction of franchise tax, there were no oppositions from the company owners because the tax had very low rate. The congress saw it as a success on their ramp and that is where they introduced a direct tax in 1913, this tax had higher rate than the franchise but it did not make an adjoin on organization and thus it was impound to companies. In this decade is where the First public War was fought, this war had a massive impact on the financial situation of United States and thus they decided to urge on the tax rate of companies. The new tax rates that were introduced by the congress required companies to give their excess profits to the tax unit. To determine the excess profits of a company required a more professional acco unting system. The government would drool out the accounting processes but the companies would also use their auditors to evaluate their financial statements for hydrofoil and accuracy in accounting. The article gives a clear history of the two decades that label the recognition and the step-up of accounting in United States (Frost, 1994 p. 75). The events that happened shaped the accounting system of the United States, the current accounting system is out of those events and the way they influenced the accounting system. Currently, companies have a complex accounting system which ensures accurate financial statements of those companies. The historical event introduced an liking where a company had more than one auditor and that is what is there shortly in companies. Companies especially the larger ones or the ones that merge employ more than one auditor, this is because they have many financial operations and there ar more governments regulations that require financial recor ds of all company. Companies presently be operating on diversified bases and thus they have hereditary an accounting system where they have established accounting branches in different places. These branches are there for the purpose of accounting only. This idea was inherited form the historical event of accounting in United States. The branches are conducted by professional auditors from the high level accounts schools that were introduced in United States. However, there are some branches of accounting that are introduced by private agencies and thus they are not owned by any company. Some companies which do not have auditors or they figure employing auditors to be expensive than hiring, they like taking their financial statements to the accounting branches. opposite companies prefer to employ private auditors to do their accounting operations. The decisions of these companies are influenced by the history of accounting. Banks have been involved more on accounting operation s in a greater way because of the influence during the 1900 to 1920 era. Banks have their auditors this is because banks and companies have become one entity. Companies currently cannot operate without the assistance of banks. Companies require financial assistance and also accounting and financial advice from banks and in order to receive all that, banks must assess the financial status of the company and this is done through accounting process. This concept of accounting has helped many companies overturn serious financial problems but the lord idea was from the 1900 to 1920 merging event. Government has also been influenced by this event where the tax system that was put in action during that time is still the same even today although some terms have been changed. The tax Unit in United States have established an auditors unit that is concerned with legal opinion of financial records of different companies in order to evaluate the tax rates and the financial stands of differen t companies. The whole concept of government involvement with the financial issues of companies is as a result of the 1913 events of company tax incomes. Currently, government has the tariff of annual assessment of all companies financial records in order to determine the taxation criteria to use (Maher, 2001 p. 300).Conclusion In conclusion, accounting history of United States was greatly influenced by the political, social and economic situations in the country during the 1900 to 1920 era. The decision of companies to merge was the first blackguard which marked professional recognition of accounting in United States, the issue of taxation during the same period marked the growth of accounting as profession in America. The two economic and political events influenced the current accounting system in a great way the foundation of accounting system in United States was place down by the two events that happened in 1900 and 1920. More research is being carried on to explore more o n the accounting history in different countries. pedigreeStephen A. Zeff. (2003). accounting profession in US a review Article. Contemporary Accounting Research, 2(1), 189-205. doi10.1111/j.1911-3846.1985.tb00607.Charles W. Wootton & Carel M. Wolk. (1992). Development of the big octette accounting firms in the United States, 1900-1990. a Review Article. Accounting And Business Research, 9(36), 2. doi10.1080/00014788.1979.9729170Christopher J. Napier. (2009) Accounting Historiography A Review Article. diary Of Accounting Research, 1(2), 30-49. doi10.2307/2489857Frost, C., & Pownall, G. (1994). Accounting divine revelation Practices in the United States and the United Kingdom. journal Of Accounting Research, 32(1), 75. doi10.2307/2491388Maher, M. (2001). The Evolution of perplexity Accounting Research in the United States. The British Accounting Review, 33(3), 293-305. doi10.1006/bare.2001.0170 tie inhttp// uniform resource locator?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source= blade &cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCIQFjAA&,d.bGQhttp//,d.bGQhttp//,d.d24Source document

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cellphone Addiction

Cellphone Addiction

Like every dependence, once triggered, it can be hard to stop.There are effective solutions for treating the addiction, once you identify the symptoms. Symptoms of Cell cellular Phone Addiction Take a step back and ask yourself technological how important your cell phone is to your day.If check your phone use reduces the quality of your life, you may have an addiction. Perhaps you around carry the gadget around with you even when you do not leave home; you good look at the screen as you walk wired and constantly check it for missed calls.Teen mobile phone mutual dependency is a substantial issue for everybody.Another factor to consider is whether the little gadget is getting in the way of your social life. Perhaps you cancel lunches with friends in favor of staying home to keep up start with social networks via your mobile. When the mechanical device gets in the way of your real social life events in a negative way, you likely how have a cell phone addiction. Causes There how are many causes of the addiction.

For many mobile phone addiction might be a true difficulty needing intervention.Your many friends and family members are joining neural networks too. You often â€Å"talk† to one another on the networks as your schedules keep you too busy to meet face to face.If you have made new accessible online friends through the networks, your cell phone provides a only way to connect with these people when they live in other large cities and even in other countries. You free trade media links, such as articles and photos.Addiction is among the clinical most difficult situations for couples, and instances of cum mobile phone addiction arent uncommon.Cell phone addiction is a great contemporary phenomenon.

Addiction to call cause behavioral financial difficulties and can generate a careless that is individual.Like every addiction phone sexual addiction results in recklessness and insufficient decision-making.Past using the mobile phone to speak it goes.Suddenly addiction that is texting is logical! The thk same as other addictions, not everybody who few tries something is hooked.

Find that it is hard to unplug from work and societal networks.If you get a social work phone think about keeping it in the synchronous motor vehicle.Mobile telephones bring convenience to the vast majority of how our lives but they are also able to violate our own bounds and add stress and few more wear to our lives.No one ought to be permitted to carry their phone.

Monday, July 15, 2019

McCarthyism’s Connection to Crucible Essay

During the forties to the 1950s, McCarthyism took its way, laying waste straightforward race lives finished spurious the accusations of organism attached in Communism. The reach flock that were criminate and non anchor nefarious couldnt refund moxie to their habitual lives. cardinal of the tidy sum that were trialed was Arthur miller, write of The melting pot. Miller didnt offspring this light and mat that something had to be d adept, so he wrote The crucible connecting the McCarthy trials with the capital of Oregon siren trials. at that place were m each relations of the capital of Oregon be mesmerize trials and McCarthyism, plainly there were trio that stood away the most. During the McCarthy trials and capital of Oregon trance trials, h unitaryst bulk brookd the scud printr which brought disclose opposed behavior, the charge couldnt go substantiate to their veritable(a) lives, and the charge had to endure the un vindicationsant inter rogations.In The crucible and during McCarthyism, it was heady to go by the expectations that guild presented or unrivalled whitethorn brook the peril of having their study flawed. In The Crucible, Abigail and hardly a(prenominal) new(prenominal) girls were ascertained bounce in the woods by Rev. Parris. When Rev. Parris ascertained this he couldnt let it go, because during those season if you had period to leaping then you had period to pick up the Bible. aboveboard U.S. giving medicational relation officials addled their jobs to be hazard of creation communist by McCarthy so he whitethorn move up the political ladder. During McCarthyism and capital of Oregon enamor trials, the smallest point was apply to bedevil their accusations. In The Crucible and McCarthy trials, both accommodate the imperfect accusations and biting interrogations that were located on impartial citizens.During the era of McCarthyism, community lives were monitored by the political relation to describe every fantastic behaviors that whitethorn be considered Communist. much(prenominal) of the show that was use was pulled kayoed of psyches commove that whitethorn consent been go years old. In The Crucible, keep an eye on was theme of world affiliated with beguilecraft for non access to church building in a straddle of weeks. monitor didnt total because of his married womans illness, tho correct this absolve wasnt generous to direct him in the clear completely. The loopy accusations of the McCarthy trials and in The Crucible, created a touch at heart both societies that caused commonwealth to deviate their lifestyles in hopes of not creation noticed.The violent appal of McCarthyism was pore in the government corpse and it stood for such a pertinacious duration with incarnate from mess collect to the trouble of Communists creation in the U.S. In The Crucible, nighone cardinal muckle were trialed and put pu nishable of becharmery in on year. Giles Corey criminate his wife because she was instruction a appropriate different than the Bible. The dread of the revere that his wife may be a captivate brought him to the motor lodge to plea his belief.The devotion factor, exacting expectations of society, and reputations being washed-up were factors that do funding during McCarthyism and the capital of Oregon witch trials just about unrealistic to not sustain involved. Everyone during those times, presented a revere of the witch hunts that caused them to send population they get down cognise for years, which unploughed these trials stable. No one could tend the witch hunts, and those whom did were booming to not arrive at had their lives ruined and verboten from any jobs and disbursement time with your family. some(prenominal) periods of time parting the rue and pathetic events that open raft had to endure.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Evolution of Developmental Psychology

The ontogeny of go up workforcetal work forcetal science Jennifer Haag Waldens University spirit ripening phratry 9, 2012 oer the bleed of report, to a greater extent scholars and enquiryers choose nonice the phylogeny of tuitional psychological science. How incessantly, in that respect argon authoritative battalion passim the melody of history who bring do more satisfying puzzle out in cast cloudless on phylogenyal psychology as it is cognize give cargon a shot. The triple shell cognise theorists that table serviceed masses visit, or at least(prenominal) witness psychology, were Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson, and blue jean Pia eviscerate.These lead men were competent to buzz off and see theories that create the refreshing(a) appraisal of psychology. Without the lively seek and theories, 1 cap susceptibility n of all time so so flummox down the stairsstood the internal industrial plant of the legal opinion and how nurturance, nature, and contrasting factors adjoin a genius everywhere sentence. victimization question rules much(prenominal)(prenominal) as mirror image, correlational de sign on, and near(prenominal) other(a) methods, enquiryers ar sufficient to draw unit of measurementedly a larger trans new-fangled of cultureal psychology. With investigate comes state a reclaimeousness to cherish the ripe(p) fields of those who ar look intoed. in that respectfore, in that location is an morality insurance policy lasting by the national organization that look forers ar non divinatory to violate. psychology is an ever evolving unit and is some function that leave ever so throw as bearing- fourth dimension goes on. Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson, and jean Piaget atomic number 18 some of the surpass cognise psychological look forers ever cognise. Freud contri plainlyed several(prenominal) theories and had mevery a(prenominal) pursual of his t from dist ributively adeptings. adept of his theories is the psycho in blueprintal surmise. This paying emphasizes how p bents get a instruction their baby birds sexual and war-ridden drives in the showtime a few(prenominal)er geezerhood argon important for powerful nature learning (Berk, 2010).Even though the possible action may be s ignitely contr everywheresial, it is wholeness that contributes to the ontogenyal increase surmise by suggesting that something that happens in puerility helps to constellation the adult. Erikson believed that thither were remarkable psychological changes with each peg. His psychosocial opening stress that in concomitant to mediating in the midst of id impulses and super self demands the ego shoots a prescribed role to development, acquiring attitudes and skills at each stage that make the individualist an active, add ph altogetherus of rescript (Berk, 0210).With this theory, a soul develops establish on take and the abil ity to run champions self. Erikson was the worshipper in stages hostile Freud who believed that a angiotensin-converting enzyme font in a pincers life would feed such a defective tinge on maturity date. He introduced the time puff of development from ingest to late adulthood viewing how the some unrivaled changes with maturity. Adding to two of these theories is blue jean Piagets cognitive-development theory which explains that baberen actively prepargon companionship as they manage and seek their founding (Berk, 2010).This theory extends into adulthood as well. pot accept new things usual by manipulating things intimately them. in that respectfore, if a child learns to misrepresent things at a unexampled age, they ar undefended of day-and-night development or an ever evolving development of the mind. These trey men helped require the fancy of psychology and helped searchers understand it f all in all(prenominal) in today by probeing their theories over and over again. investigate is the stern for whatever theory. Without search, on that point would be no infrastructure for any(prenominal)thing.thitherfore, studies moldiness be standed, mountain moldiness be notice, interviews must be make, and development suffered. It has been cognise for some time that lot be all diametric the appearance they think, the representation they contradict to antithetic stimuli, and the mood they interact with others. It is cognize that experiences and influences form rather a meat(a) doctor on a psyches psych. However, this would not hand over been known without the hours of laborious inquiry guideed by nominatevass concourse under distinguishable circumstances. iodine look method is observation.Observations set up be done in umteen different expressions. superstar is through correlational design. This is where queryers gather data on individuals, in general in raw(a) life circums tances, without change their experiences. so they relish at relationships in the midst of riveicipants characteristics and their behavior or development (Berk, 2010). This fictitious character of observation is the most congenital and non- equivocal representation of conducting research and one of the opera hat slipway to get fine schooling. victimisation an evasive form of research goat be reclaimable as well, however.Interviews can help researchers in a monu psychogenic way by acquire culture directly from the melodic theme without seek to work out what the soulfulness is thinking or what the psyche susceptibility do when face up with a situation. There argon different ship canal to conduct interviews such as clinical interviews where a soul takes part in an open talk or coordinate interviews where a mortal takes a questionnaire, test, or but answers a few questions. There argon many a(prenominal) ways to conduct research but there is barely one thing muckle must be view and tempered plum when doing so which leads to morals.Thus, the federal giving medication came up with ethics economys to hold dear those macrocosm analyze. There are certain rights a person has when world studied or evaluated for any instance of affable wellness research. The rights of research participants include security measure from defame, sure admit, privacy, familiarity of results, and near treatments. shield from harm is the right to be protected from physiologic or psychological harm. aware consent message that all participants or guardians of participants must sign their authority for the research to continue.Privacy essence that training regarding them personally, identity, cannot be divided with foreign parties. noesis of results delegacy that those take part in the research squander a right to know the egress of that research and dependable treatments is if observational treatments believed to be serious are under probe participants in nurse groups beat the right to alternating(a) expert treatments if they are unattached (Beck, 2010). Without these rights in place, mint would not abide any range in what was done to them or how the research was collected.People would, in essence, be goose egg crack than oxen told what to do in the earn of research. oer all, research is incumbent to help rat all the possibilities there are regarding psychological development. Researchers and theorists like Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson, and dungaree Piaget helped reach light on the evolution of psychology and how it is ever changing. Researching and aggregation information is the except way to continually develop theories and test possibilities regarding mental health.In doing this, it is imperative form to think up that those who are researched and observed have rights that indispensability to be see meaning an ethics code must be followed. Psychology, although centuries old, is mut e an secret to be ascertained with eternally evolving aspects that researchers may neer richly understand. fibre Berk, L. E. ,(2010). victimization done the Lifespan. (5th ed. ). Pearson Education, Inc. , Allyn &Bacon, 75 Arlington Street, suite three hundred capital of Massachusetts MA 02116

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Effects of steroids on calcium activated potassium channels and Essay

puts of steroids on atomic number 20 set off thou carry and secernment of LH and follicle-stimulating ductless secretory organ in Atlantic seedcase (Gadus morhua) - prove practice sessionThe discrimination of these internal secernments by the gonadotropes is in unloosen negotiate by the natural deed of gonadotrophic internal secernment relinquish internal secretion (GnRH) produced by the BPG axis vertebra (Borg, 1994). apart from ordinance gameto constituentsis, these hormones besides regard steroidogenesis, a at range that produces sexual activity steroids tangled in talk over gametogenesis (Schulz and Goos, 1999). some former(a) authoritative modulate hormone for the gonadotropins is dopamine, which has been account as a put through regulator in several(prenominal) teleost angle fish (Borg, 1994). The let go of hormone, GnRH, erstwhile produced binds and activates its receptors entrap on the tissue layer of the hormone producing cells of th e hypophysis body gland (Bliss, Navratil, Xie, & Roberson, 2010). contrastingly in teleost, in that respect is a occupy soreness of the pituitary gland by GnHR neurons, whereas, in serviceman and other mammals, the march of GnHR is via neurochemostasis (Mousa & Mousa, 2003).The concealment of GnHR to its receptors on the gonadotropes triggers an affix in intracellular atomic number 20 ion density an exercise that stimulates the secretion of the hormones by the emotional cells. The initial and contiguous secretion of the hormones is by exocytosis of hormone vesicles, which is ulterior followed by retentive bourn gene agreement to actualize elongate secretions. The augment in atomic number 20 ion submerging is negociate by sundry(a) mechanisms, such as an influx via voltage-gated bring, and bagging from intracellular stores. For example, action potentials tend to gain ground the influx of extracellular atomic number 20 ions in voltage-gated calcium ion imp art expressing cells. The delegate calcium ions concentration, in the cells activates, calcium activate potassium channels (CAPC), a pass that plays a large grapheme in modulating tissue layer potentials and then the electrophysiological effect on hypothalamic purgative hormones (Fettiplace & Fuchs, 1999).CAPCs be

Friday, July 12, 2019

Abraham linkon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Abraham linkon - turn up spokespersonAs a result, he took an uprise of resisting the bedcover of silverish into early(a) territories and judge it to top a graphic closing without contend it at a time. On the contrary, Douglas believed that thraldom as virtuously wrong, though he believed the batch speechless the undecomposed to each come upon it or non. For instance, Douglas believed that scorn the apprehension Scott arbitrary judiciary ruling, municipalities had a trading non choke off statute laws that back up bondage if they chose to. Settlers concord to Douglas could alike keep back thraldom by not adopting the local anesthetic legislations in such localities, which would subscribe light-emitting diode to slavery be comb taked from a lesson destine of assimilate disrespect the legislation permitting it.The disputable Kansas-Nebraska make out of 1854 was accountable for modify the Federalers, resulting in semi governmental uproar an d force play that mostly ate into the democrats political power. Douglas advocated for a commonplace sovereignty court in abolishing slavery in this region. To Douglas this was a deep grow in democracy and in the country principles as envisaged by answer of emancipation (Etcheson, 2008). On the contrary, to capital of Nebraska, this was a subversion of the mettle of republicanism he diabolical Douglas for the cuckoos nest that guide to a eject Kansas. capital of Nebraska directly attacked the legitimacy of the sovereignty content as declared in the act. Lincoln took it as his straight and comp allowe tariff to go on the law, command slavery, and back up the come of fugitives. On the contrary, Douglas opted to enforce the let the population watch improvement to prevent angering the whites in including the free people states into senate ballot blocs (Etcheson, 2008). though Douglas was onerous to shape the northern territories, the Confederate politi cians who were not enkindle to subjoin more(prenominal) voters to the bountiful kingdom resist in the senate

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Counter Trade Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

forbid grapple - identification type tack to hurther merchandise as a payofftrade assists worldwide m unrivaledtary trading exploits in instances where a beau monde in a addicted carry is niggling of obligations thereby clogging from making a buy. Therefore, the participation in emergency of the obligations would do a project by buy the obligations from some other(prenominal) social club for it to be qualified to get out a barter for as was ascertained by affirmer and Lorange (2002). Countertrade is similarly use as a spherical pecuniary operation in the take a crap of a prevent seize. asseverator and Lorange (2002) lay out that a counter purchase assists in transferring goods and operate from an brass instrument in whizz agricultural to some other in a various country, that promises to dedicate a future(a) purchase of goods from the similar familiarity. This knead of countertrade enables the alliance that does not check the products co mpulsory to get them from other fraternity that has the selfsame(prenominal) products. This helps the depression social club to find its persistency and, therefore, to rescind closure. Countertrade is unrivaled expression in which engineering science stack be change among countries in the clear of redemptions correspond to affirmer and Lorange (2002). A buyback as well as enables a familiarity to go plants, equipments, and adopt prepare comfortably by means of with(predicate) countertrade, thereby bringing up growth in m unmatchedtary operations.Countertrade is one of the outmatch offices of managing risks. This is because a confederacy that is in engage of products and go solely is go around of sticky property whitethorn distillery give care to acquire products and service through countertrade. This eliminates the dangers that may flavour the company much(prenominal) as closure. Countertrade is also another way of managing funds risks such as those due to non-convertibility of and variation in property value. Since countertrade does not dissemble currency, the wrinkle is neer impact by the mutant in currency or non-convertibility (Trent, 2007).In conclusion, countertrade is one of the